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Col Manhar Sharma


An engineer by education, a soldier by training, an organizer by passion, a poet at heart, and a spiritual by soul. For him work has always been worship. He joined the Indian Army at the tender age of 19 years, and went on to serve the nation for almost 35 years. He, forever remains indebted to the Army training that made him understand the true meaning of virtues such as discipline, camaraderie, solidarity, integrity, loyalty and leadership. He always turned to Yoga and Meditation seeking answers for questions that otherwise remained unanswered.



Dr. Rita Sharma

A friend, a Philosopher to one and all. An inexplicably warm, compassionate & understanding human being. To her advantage is a first class academic record of Masters in Eng. literature, M.Phil in Teaching of English, Masters In Clinical psychology followed by an Exhaustive Research work in Behavioral Sciences.

25 Years of teaching experience and over 40 Years as a Clinical Psychologist provided her a broad Panorama of different aspects of human behavior. She forms the backbone of Svadhyaya, being a living example of every day conciously moving towards, "knowing thyself".




About Us

The property belongs to Col Sharma & Dr Rita Sharma. We are a retired couple , Col Sharma retired from the Army after a long tenure of almost 33 years. I, Dr Rita Sharma retired from my long & active teaching/training career and now am continuing as a free lance clinical psychologist.

We lived in this house with our very talented son Vishal and daughter Nitasha. Life was as if absolutely perfect. Then came the year 2010 and both our children moved out in pursuit of their dreams and careers. This left us lonely and our beautiful home "an empty nest". That is when we not only opened our hearth but also our heart for the guests. And since then there has been no looking back. We have five large bedrooms with ensuite washrooms. We live on the property and enjoy the company of our most esteemed guests.








Call us now to book  

​+91 9319 111 786

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